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专业翻译机构--丽都翻译公司-因为专业 所以卓越   2010-11-07 11:20:51 作者:丽都国际 来源: 文字大小:[][][]

第二章   竞争性谈判须知

一.      总则

1.         适用范围


2.         供应商资格条件

2.1 应具备以下规定的条件:








2.2 供应商须是本次服务采购项目的开发商,如果不是,应有其开发商或其总代理商授权;如果是总代理商出具授权,总代理应同时出具作为开发商的总代理及其再授权的证明

3.         竞争性谈判文件构成

3.1 竞争性谈判文件组成:竞争性谈判邀请、竞争性谈判须知、供应商应当提交的资格和资信证明文件、报价要求、谈判响应文件编制要求、竞争性谈判采购项目的技术规格、要求和数量、合同主要条款及合同签订方式、交货和提供服务的时间、成交方法、成交标准、无效报价条款、无成交供应商原因、附件等。

3.2 竞争性谈判采购的最小单位是包。技术要求中未分包的,供应商对要求提供的响应文件不得部分报价;技术要求中已经分包的,可以以包为单位报价。

3.3 采购中心如果要求供应商按照竞争性谈判文件规定提交备选报价方案的,供应商可以提交备选方案。

4.         竞争性谈判文件的澄清、修改

4.1 任何要求对竞争性谈判文件进行澄清的供应商,均应在递交谈判响应文件截止时间之前,以书面形式通知采购中心,或在谈判过程中向谈判小组提出。

4.2 对在递交谈判响应文件截止时间之前收到的澄清要求,采购中心将以传真、电子邮件的方式答复要求澄清的供应商。如果组织供应商勘察现场或者召开答疑会,采购中心对在答疑会之前收到的任何澄清要求,将在答疑会上集中回答。

4.3 在递交谈判响应文件截止时间之前任何时候,无论出于何种原因,采购中心均可对发出的竞争性谈判文件进行修改,并按照前款方式将修改内容通知所有供应商。

4.4 澄清或者修改的内容是竞争性谈判文件的组成部分。

4.5 采购中心可以视采购具体情况,在竞争性谈判文件要求递交谈判响应文件截止时间前,有权决定延长递交谈判文件截止时间,并按照前款方式将变更时间通知所有供应商。

5.         谈判费用

5.1 供应商应承担所有与准备和参加谈判有关的费用,无论采购结果如何,采购中心在任何情况下均无义务和责任承担这些费用。

5.2 本次竞争谈判采购中心不收取任何费用,请供应商注意。

Chapter Two Instructions regarding Competitive Negotiation  

I.                     General Provisions

6.         Scope of application

This Competitive Negotiation Documentation is applied to the quotation and negotiation procedures regarding the services and hardware support as described in the Invitations for the Competitive Negotiation.

7.         Qualifications of Attending Suppliers

2.1 The attending suppliers shall bear the following qualifications:

1having the independent capacity of civil liability;

2having the registered capital of RMB 30 million or above with favorable business reputation and sound financial and accounting system.

3having the equipments and professional & technical capacities required for the implementation of contracts.

4having good records of paying taxes and social security fund in accordance with the applicable laws.

5having no records of illegal actions regarding the procurements in the past three years. 

6other qualifications as specified by the applicable laws, rules and administrative regulations.

7providing the corresponding certificates and documents to verify the above mentioned qualifications.

2.2 The attending suppliers shall be the developers of the contracted procurement project. If not, they shall be authorized by the developers or the general agent, under the latter circumstance of which the general agent shall also submit the certificates of its agency qualification and the agent’s credential of re-authorization to the attending supplier.

8.         Constitution of the Competitive Negotiation Documentation

3.1 Constitution of the competitive negotiation documentation: Invitations for the Competitive Negotiation, Instructions regarding the Competitive Negotiation, the qualification certificates and credibility documents to be submitted by the attending suppliers, quotation requirements, compilation requirements for the documents in response, the technical specifications, requirements and amount of the procurement project under the competitive negotiation, the contractual terms and conditions, the signing of contract, the time of delivery and services provision, means of delivery, standards of delivery, terms of invalid quotation, reasons for the suppliers’ not winning the contract and the corresponding attachments.

3.2 The minimum unit for the competitive negotiation of the procurement project is package. In case of non-packaged listing in the technical requirements, the suppliers shall not propose quotations in part in the required documents in response. In case of packaged listing in the technical requirements, the suppliers can quota on the basis of package.

3.3 In the event that Procurement Center  requires the suppliers to submit the optional quotation proposals according to the Competitive Negotiation Documentation, the suppliers can provide the optional proposals.

9.         Clarification and Amendments to the Competitive Negotiation Documentation

4.1 Any supplier which request the clarification of the Competitive Negotiation Documentation shall notify the Procurement Center in writing of the clarification before the deadline for the submission of documents in response or present the request during the negotiations to the Negotiation Team.

4.2 As for the clarification request received before the deadline for the submission of documents in response, Procurement Center   will reply to the supplier concerned by fax or e-mail. If the site reconnaissance attended by the suppliers or the Q& A conference is organized, any request of clarification received before the Q& A conference shall be replied at the Q& A conference by Procurement Center  .

4.3 Procurement Center  reserves the right to modify the released Competitive Negotiation Documentation at any time before the deadline for the submission of documents in response as prescribed in the Competitive Negotiation Documentation out of any reason. Procurement Center  will notify all the attending suppliers of all the modified contents according to the terms of the previous articles. 

4.4 The clarified or modified contents form part of the entire Competitive Negotiation Documentation.

4.5 Procurement Center reserves the right to postpone the time for the deliverance of the negotiation documents before the deadline for the submission of documents in response as prescribed in the Competitive Negotiation Documentation. Procurement Center  will notify all the attending suppliers of the modified time according to the terms of the previous articles.

10.      Fees of Negotiation

5.1 Suppliers shall assume all the fees relevant to the preparation for and participation in the negotiation procedures. Regardless of whatever the results of the negotiations are, Procurement Center shall not be obligated or liable to bear these fees.

5.2 All the suppliers shall notice that Procurement Center does not charge any fees during the Competitive Negotiation Process.




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