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专业翻译机构--丽都翻译公司-因为专业 所以卓越   2012-11-06 17:08:56 作者:丽都国际 来源: 文字大小:[][][]


丽都国际翻译公司是国内领先的专业翻译服务机构,总部位于南京我公司专心致力于翻译及相关业务,可译英语、法语、德语、韩语、日语、西班牙语等 90 多种语言。并先后在杭州、南京、上海、东莞、苏州设立分公司。可提供各类翻译等业务。可让您的翻译材料在全世界范围内畅通无阻。公司拥有资深专业化的翻译队伍,经验丰富的管理团队。项目全部采用ISO 国际标准和翻译行业领先流程管理和质量监控体系。翻译业务遍及亚太、欧美各国。



1.     仓库地址                        (名称)


2.     进出仓:乙方根据甲方提供的进仓通知,安排好货物的进仓;根据甲方的出仓通知,按先进先出的原则出货。

a)     入库:乙方根据甲方的指令,安排货物进仓。在接货时应按《发货通知单》、《货物入库通知单》上确定的货物名称、数量、外包装尺寸大小查点货物,并检查货物包装及货箱封条是否完好。如无异状,由乙方人员书面签收。如发现异状,乙方应立即通知甲方,并依照甲方指示接收或拒收货物,甲方未及时做出处理的,乙方有权拒收货物。

b)     出库:交货时,乙方应核对收货人名称、印章、签收人员姓名是否与甲方通知相符,并核对提货人身份证或驾驶证等有效证件,记录证件号码。如为收货人或甲方指定承运人上门提货,则乙方还应核对收货人出示的《货物出库通知单》与甲方事先传真给乙方的《货物出库通知单》内容形式是否完全一致。经核对上述事项,乙方要求收货人在《货物出库通知单》、《货物签收单》上书面签收后,乙方可对予以放行。

3.     库存管理和盘点

a)     库存管理:乙方应指派专人负责上述货物仓储,并就其储存保管的甲方货物进行独立库存记录和财务核算,乙方应在约定的时间里向甲方提供前一天的进销库存报告,在途货物信息,货物条码信息等,每周清点库存,并记录备案提供货物库龄分析等。以《存货月结单》形式记录当月货物入库、出库情况。

b)     盘点:甲方可定期或不定期安排人员到乙方仓储地点进行实物盘点及仓储情况检查,并事先提供人员名单。乙方应对人员姓名及身份证件核对无误后,予以接待并配合。





Article 2: The Service

1.      Location of warehouse:                          (name);


2.     Warehousing in/out: Party B shall stock the goods in the warehouse according to the Warehousing-in Notice given by Party A and deliver the same in the principle of “first in first out” according to the Warehousing-out Notice given by Party A.

a)   Stock in: Party B shall stock the goods according to the instructions given by Party A. Party B shall check the name, quantity, size of outer packing, package of goods and seal packing case in accordance with the Consignment Note and Stock-in Note. Party B shall sign for the goods if they are qualified. In case of any disqualified goods, Party A shall immediately inform Party B and accept or reject the goods according to instructions given by Party A; if Party A doesn’t give any instruction, Party B is entitled to reject the goods.

b)      Stock out: when the goods are handed over, Party B shall check the name and stamp of recipient and the countersigned name with the notice given by Party A and shall examine and record the number of the ID card, driving license or such identity certificate of the goods picker. If the goods are picked up by the recipient or the carrier designated by Party A, Party B shall check the Stock-out Note presented by the recipient with the same which is faxed by Party A to Party B in advance. If the above is completed, Party B shall request the recipient to sign in the Stock-out Note and Goods Receipt before releasing the goods.

3.     Inventory Management and Taking

a)     Inventory management: Party B shall assign a designate person to take charge of the warehousing, make separate record and financial accounting of Party A’s goods it stores, provide Party A with the information on warehousing in/out of last day, goods in transit and bar code of goods as scheduled, check and record the inventory every week and provide the analysis on shelf time of goods. The warehousing in/out information of every month shall be recorded in the Monthly Inventory Sheet.

b)     Inventory taking: Party A may, at regular intervals or from time to time, send its personnel, with a list rendered in advance, to check the inventory and warehousing in Party B’s warehouse. Party B shall verify the name and identity certificate of Party A’s personnel and give assistance as far as possible.


Article 3: Person in Charge of Service

Both parties shall designate their own personnel in charge of the Service to connect with each other for any change and the smooth operation of the Service.













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