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南京翻译公司   苏州翻译公司

淮安翻译公司   南通翻译公司

无锡翻译公司   徐州翻译公司

盐城翻译公司   扬州翻译公司

镇江翻译公司   常熟翻译公司

泰州翻译公司   宿迁翻译公司

昆山翻译公司   太仓翻译公司

江阴翻译公司   海门翻译公司

温州翻译公司   杭州翻译公司

宁波翻译公司   嘉兴翻译公司

义乌翻译公司   绍兴翻译公司

丽水翻译公司   湖州翻译公司

金华翻译公司   台州翻译公司

舟山翻译公司   衢州翻译公司

余姚翻译公司   东阳翻译公司

永康翻译公司   上海翻译公司

福建翻译公司   福州翻译公司

龙岩翻译公司   莆田翻译公司

泉州翻译公司  三明翻译公司

厦门翻译公司   漳州翻译公司

福安翻译公司   建阳翻译公司

石狮翻译公司   晋江翻译公司

宁德翻译公司   山东翻译公司

滨州翻译公司   德州翻译公司

东营翻译公司   菏泽翻译公司

济南翻译公司   日照翻译公司

泰安翻译公司   济宁翻译公司

莱芜翻译公司   聊城翻译公司

临沂翻译公司   青岛翻译公司

威海翻译公司   潍坊翻译公司

烟台翻译公司   枣庄翻译公司

淄博翻译公司   平度翻译公司

蓬莱翻译公司   北京翻译公司

天津翻译公司  深圳翻译公司

重庆翻译公司   广东翻译公司

广州翻译公司   潮州翻译公司

东莞翻译公司   佛山翻译公司

河源翻译公司   惠州翻译公司

江门翻译公司   茂名翻译公司

梅州翻译公司   清远翻译公司

汕头翻译公司   汕尾翻译公司

韶关翻译公司   深圳翻译公司

阳江翻译公司   湛江翻译公司

肇庆翻译公司   中山翻译公司

珠海翻译公司   揭阳翻译公司

云浮翻译公司   顺德翻译公司

海翻译公司   潮阳翻译公司

连云港翻译公司 张家港翻译公司





Communist Party of China (CPC)

Handan Municipal Committee

市委常委会Standing Committee of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委办公厅General Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委督察室Superintendent Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委群众工作协调办公室Mass Work Coordination Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委台湾工作办公室Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委研究室Policy Research Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委党史研究室Party History Research Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委组织部Organizational Department of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委宣传部Publicity Department of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委对外宣传局International Communication Bureau of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委统战部United Front Work Department of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委保密局Secrets Bureau of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委机要局Confidential Affairs Bureau of the CPC Handan Committee

市委直属机关工作委员会Work Commission for Offices Directly Under the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委农村工作委员会Rural Affairs Commission of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委政法委Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委纪律检查委员会Commission for Discipline and Inspection of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委老干部局Bureau for Retired Professionals of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委机关事务管理局Logistics Management Bureau of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee

市委党校Party School of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee


Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大常委会Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大常委会办公厅General Office of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大常委会机关党委Party Committee for the Organs of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大法制委员会LegislativeCommittee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大常委会法制工作委员会Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大内务司法委员会Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大财政经济委员会Finance and Economic Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大农村经济委员会Rural Economic Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大城乡建设和环境保护委员会Committee for Urban and Rural Constructionand Environmental Protection of Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大教育科学文化卫生委员会Committee for Education, Science, Culture and Public Health of Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大民族华侨外事委员会Committee for Ethnic, Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs of Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大常委会研究室Legislative Research Office of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大常委会选举任免代表工作委员会Committee for Elections, Appointments, Removals and Deputies Affairs of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress

市人大常委会培训中心Training Center of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress


Handan Municipal People’s Government and

the Units Managed directly by the Departments of Hebei Provincial Government in Handan City

市政府办公厅 General Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市人民政府督促检查办公室Superintendent Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市人民政府新闻办公室 Information Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市政府研究室Research Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市人民政府法制办公室Legislative Affairs Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市人民政府外事侨务办公室Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市优化经济发展环境办公室Handan Municipal Office for Promoting Socio-economic Development

市人民政府行政审批综合服务中心Multiple Service Center for Administrative Approvaland Examinations of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市行政审批制度改革工作领导小组Handan Municipal Leading Group for Reforming in Administrative Examinations and Approval Systems

市发展和改革委员会Handan Municipal Commission for Development and Reform

邯郸市信息化工作办公室Handan Municipal Informatization Office

邯郸市信息产业局Handan Municipal Information Industry Bureau

邯郸市信息中心Handan Municipal Information Center

市人口和计划生育委员会Handan Municipal Commission for Population and Family Planning

市爱国卫生运动委员会Handan Municipal Committee for Patriotic Sanitation Campaign

市政府国有资产监督管理委员会Commission for Supervision and Management of State Property of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市人民政府机关事务管理局Government Supply Bureau of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市财政局Handan Municipal Finance Bureau

市信访局Handan Municipal Bureau for Complaints

市劳动和社会保障局Handan Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau

市整顿和规范市场经济秩序领导小组办公室Handan Municipal Leading Group Office for Market Economy Rectification and Regulation

市企业兼并破产和职工再就业工作领导小组Handan Municipal Leading Group for the Amalgamations and Bankrupt Enterprises and the Re-employment of Laid-off Workers

市中小企业局Handan Municipal Medium and Small Enterprises Bureau

市工业经济促进局Handan Municipal Bureau for the Promotion of the Industrial Economy

市物价局Handan Municipal Prices Bureau

市公用事业管理局Handan Municipal Public Affairs Administrative Bureau

市粮食局Handan Municipal Grain Bureau

市档案局Handan Municipal Archives Bureau

市卫生局Handan Municipal Public Health Bureau

市文化局Handan Municipal Cultural Bureau

市人事局Handan Municipal Personnel Bureau

市机构编制委员会Handan Municipal Commission for Public Service Structure and Establishment Administration

市民族宗教事务局Handan Municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau

市国土资源局Handan Municipal Land and Resources Bureau

市统计局Handan Municipal Statistics Bureau

市民政局Handan Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau

市商务局Handan Municipal Commercial Affairs Bureau

市广播电视局 Handan Municipal Radio and Television Bureau

市环境保护局Handan Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau

市地震局Handan Municipal Seismological Bureau

市气象局Handan Municipal Meteorological Bureau

市审计局Handan Municipal Auditing Bureau

市房产管理局Handan Municipal Realty Administrative Bureau

市旅游局Handan Municipal Tourism Bureau

市农业局Handan Municipal Agriculture Bureau

市林业局Handan Municipal Forestry Bureau

市畜牧水产局Handan Municipal Animal Husbandry and Aquatic Products Bureau

市交通局Handan Municipal Communications Bureau

市文物事业管理局Handan Municipal Cultural Relics Administrative Bureau

市城市管理局Handan Municipal Bureau for Urban Administration

市水利局Handan Municipal Water Resources Bureau

市规划局Handan MunicipalBureau for Urban Planning

市建设局Handan Municipal Construction Bureau

市安全生产监督管理局Handan Municipal SupervisoryBureau for Work Safety

市食品药品监督管理局Handan Municipal Supervisory Bureau for Food and Drugs

市科学技术局Handan Municipal Science and Technology Bureau

市教育局Handan Municipal Education Bureau

市体育局Handan Municipal SportsBureau

市公安局Handan Municipal Bureau for Public Security

市国家安全局Handan Municipal Bureau for State Security

市司法局Handan Municipal Justice Bureau

市人防办公室Handan Municipal Office for Air Defenses

市机场指挥部Handan Municipal Airport Construction Headquarters

市政府采购中心Handan Municipal Government Procurement Center

市政府蔬菜办公室Vegetables Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市农业资源区划办公室Handan Municipal Office for Agricultural Resource Division

市农业开发办公室Handan Municipal Agricultural Development Office

市金融办公室Handan Municipal Financing Office

市建筑业管理办公室Handan Municipal Administrative Office for ConstructionIndustry

市政府纠正行业不正之风办公室Anti-corruption Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市政府军队转业干部安置工作办公室Work Office for Placement of Ex-Military Officers of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市政府口岸办公室Port Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市散装水泥办公室Handan Municipal Office for Bulk Cement

市新能源办公室Handan Municipal Office for New Energy Sources

市扶贫办公室Handan MunicipalOffice for Poverty Relief

市扶贫开发领导小组Handan Municipal Leading Group for the Poverty Relief and Development

市语言文字工作委员会Handan Municipal Language Affairs Committee

市商业网点建设管理办公室Handan Municipal Office for the Construction and Management of Commercial Networks

市绿化委员会Handan Municipal Afforestation Committee

市防汛抗旱指挥部Handan Municipal Headquarters for Flood and Drought Control

市政府妇女儿童工作委员会Women and Children Services Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Government

市老龄工作委员会Handan Municipal CommitteeforAging People Services

市政府驻北京办事处Representative Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government in Beijing

市政府驻天津办事处Representative Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government in Tianjin

市政府驻深圳办事处Representative Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government in Shenzhen

市国家税务局Handan Municipal State Taxation Bureau

市地方税务局Handan Municipal Local Taxation Bureau

市工商行政管理局Handan Municipal Administrative Bureau forIndustry and Commerce

市质量技术监督局Handan Municipal Bureau for Quality and Technical Supervision

邯郸无线电管理委员会Handan Municipal Commission for Radio Management

邯郸仲裁委员会Handan Arbitratral Commission

邯郸烟草专卖局Handan Tobacco Monopoly Bureau

石家庄海关驻邯郸办事处Shijiazhuang Customs Office in Handan City

邯邢冶金矿山管理局Handan-Xingtai Administrative Bureau for Metallurgy and Mine

市邮政局Handan Municipal Post Office

中国人民银行邯郸市分行People’s Bank of China Handan Branch

邯郸出入境检验检疫局Handan Municipal Bureau for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine

市世界银行贷款城市环境项目管理办公室Handan Municipal Administrative Office for World Bank Loans to Urban Environmental Projects

市南水北调工程建设委员会Handan Municipal Construction Committee for the South-to-North Water Diversion Project

邯郸日报Handan Daily

邯郸晚报Handan Evening Newspaper

中原商报Zhongyuan Commercial Newspaper


Chinese People’s Political Consultative ConferenceCPPCC

Handan Municipal Committee

市政协常务委员会Standing Committee of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee

市政协办公厅General Office of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee

市政协研究室Research Office of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee

市政协提案委员会Committee for Handling Proposals of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee

市政协财政经济委员会Finance and Economic Committee of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee

市政协人口资源环境委员会Committee for Population, Resources and Environment of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee

市政协教科文卫体委员会Committee for Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee

市政协社会法制和民族宗教委员会Committee for SocialLegalEthnic and Religious Affairs of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee

市政协港澳台侨和外事委员会Committee for Liaison with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee

市政协文史资料委员会Committee of Cultural and Historical Data of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee

市政协机关党委Party Committee for Organs of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee


Court and Procuratorate

市中级人民法院Handan Municipal Intermediate People’s Court

市人民检察院Handan Municipal People’s Procuratorate


Democratic Parties

中国国民党革命委员会邯郸市委员会Handan Municipal Committee of the Revolution Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang

中国民主同盟邯郸市委员会Handan Municipal Committee of China Democratic League

中国民主建国邯郸市委员会Handan Municipal Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association

中国民主促进会邯郸市委员会Handan Municipal Committee of China Association for Promoting Democracy

中国农工民主党邯郸市委员会Handan Municipal Committee of Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party

九三学社邯郸市委员会Handan Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society


People’sOrganizations and Public Organizations

市总工会Handan Municipal Federation of Trade Unions

共青团邯郸市委Handan Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League of China

市妇女联合会Handan Municipal Women’s Federation

市社会科学界联合会Handan Municipal Federation of Social Science Circles

中国国际贸易促进委员会邯郸市支会Handan Municipal Sub-Branch of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade

市农业服务协会总会Handan Municipal Agricultural Services Federation

市外商投资企业协会Handan Municipal Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment

市归国华侨联合会Handan Municipal Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese

市文学艺术界联合会Handan Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles

市残疾人联合会Handan Municipal Federation for the Disabled

市工商联合会Handan Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce

市消费者协会Handan Municipal Consumers Association

市科学技术协会Handan Municipal Association for Science and Technology

市翻译工作者协会Handan Municipal Translators Association

市新闻工作者协会Handan Municipal Journalists Association

市红十字会Handan Municipal Red Cross Society

市执业药师协会Handan Municipal Licensed Pharmacists Association



(市委)书记Party Secretary

(市委)副书记Deputy Party Secretary

(市委)常委Member of the Standing Committee

(市委各部)部长 Departmental Chief

(市委各部)副部长Departmental Deputy Chief

(人大)主任 Chairman

(人大)副主任Deputy Chairman


代市长 Acting Mayor

常务副市长First DeputyMayor

副市长Deputy Mayor

巡视员 Inspector

市长助理Assistant Mayor

党组书记 Secretary of the Party Leadership Group


(政协)副主席Deputy Chairman

秘书长Secretary General

副秘书长Deputy Secretary General

办公厅主任Director of the General Office

办公厅副主任Deputy Director of the General Office

邯郸市人大代表 Deputy to Handan Municipal People's Congress

主任委员 Chairman

委员 Member

县长County Chief

代县长 Acting County Chief

常务副县长First Deputy County Chief

副县长Deputy County Chief

办公室主任Director of the Office

办公室副主任 Deputy Director of the Office

局长Director(注:部级或副部级局的局长常用Director General

副局长Deputy Director

(政府的委员会)主任Chairman of the Commission

(政府的委员会)副主任 Deputy Chairman of the Commission


助理调研员Associate Investigator

区长 District Chief

副区长Deputy District Chief

处长(县级)Division Chief

副处长(县级) Deputy Division Chief


副镇长Deputy TownChief


副乡长Deputy TownshipChief

处(科)长Section Chief

副处(科)长Deputy Section Chief

科员 ClerkOfficer

大队长 Group Leader

站长 Station Chief

副站长 Deputy Station Chief

发言人 Spokesman

顾问 Adviser

(人民法院)院长 President (People’s Courts)

(人民法庭)庭长 Chief Judge (People’s Tribunals)

审判长 Chief Judge

审判员 Judge

书记员 Clerk of the Court

法医 Legal Medical Expert

法警 Judicial Policeman

(人民检察院)检察长 Procurator General (People’s Procuratorate)



2、市委各部的副部长应当译作“Departmental Deputy Chief”,不可译作“Deputy Departmental Chief”,更不能译作Deputy MinisterMinister是国务院各部的部长)。这里的也不能译作vice等。汉语的只有一个字,但译成英语时不可只用一个单词。常用的译法有:副总统vice-president, 副省长deputy provincial governor, 副厅长deputy director-general, 副教授associate professor等。

3、有人将市委翻译为“Handan Municipal Committee of the the CPC”尽管也是正确的,但根据名称的翻译宜短不宜长的原则,故采用“the CPC Handan Municipal Committee”这种译法。




6、市消费者协会、市翻译工作者协会和市新闻工作者协会如果按英国英语翻译,应当分别在ConsumersTranslatorsJournalists后加“’”,即Handan Municipal Consumers’ AssociationHandan Municipal Translators’ AssociationHandan Municipal Journalists’ Association。其他译名英美译法没有区别。

7、邯郸市委、市政府等名称中的邯郸市…”应当译为“Handan Municipal…”(这种译法正在被国内外所接受),而不译为“Handan City…”

我国的作为行政区,从上而下有三个级别,即省级(Provincial Level)、地级(Prefectural Level)和县级(County Level)。目前较通行的做法是,直辖市译为Municipality(直辖市全称是Municipality directly under the Central Government, 县级市一概译作City。但地级市为什么也要译为Municipality(作定语时用Municipal,而不能译为City

名词Municipality在《韦氏辞典》中的释义是: a city, town or other district possessing corporate existence and usually its own local government

形容词Municipal在《朗曼当代英语词典》中的释义是concerning (the parts of) a town, city etc. under its own government


在世界许多地方,如菲律宾、以色列等国, Municipality 经常被用作省一级或省以下行政区域名称。在加拿大,Municipality也作为省下的一级行政区域,如在安大略省下就有一个滑铁卢地区市,叫作Regional Municipality of Waterloo,该地区市下辖8个自治市。

City相对来说更多地特指城市区域(地理概念),而不作为一个大范围的包括农村在内的一级行政区名,如美国和日本,一般都是一个county(县)下辖好多cities,而不是city下辖多个counties。如果将我国的地级市译作city,那么这个“city”就要统辖多个counties 和县一级的cities了。这与国际上的通行用法不太一致(因为city的原意并不包括农村在内)。

据此,我们应当将行政区划意义上的邯郸市…”译为“Handan Municipal…”,而不译为“Handan City…”(但地理概念上的地址等,如邯郸市人民东路178号,则必须将邯郸市译为“Handan City”




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