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(中英互译)法律类样本(四) 承包合同
专业翻译机构--丽都翻译公司-因为专业 所以卓越   2010-08-05 12:10:58 作者:丽都国际 来源:丽都国际 文字大小:[][][]

第六条 双方的权利和义务


6.1.1作业前 10 日内,向乙方提供作业井的齐全准确的资料,包括:











6.2 乙方的权利义务

6.2.1负责编写作业施工设计,乙方应在接到甲方作业通知单后  3 日内完成《作业施工设计》并送甲方审批。








6.2.9作业施工过程中,确因目前作业设备、工艺技术的限制或严重套变、套管错位等客观原因,造成该井无法继续作业,需停工的,向甲方提出书面请求,经甲方认可后,方可可停工。停工报告必须在停工后 3 日内交甲方存档。




 6.2.13 若因乙方原因造成甲方井口、地面设备、管线等的损失,由乙方负责赔偿相应损失。






Article VI Rights and Responsibilities of Both Parties

6.1 Rights and Responsibilities of Party A

6.1.1 Within 10 days prior to the operation, to provide to Party B the complete and correct information on the wells, including:

The geological planning and technical engineering design, including but not limited to: basic data of the wells, oil testing layer location and requirement on data collection, course and details of accidents during the drilling, main history of the wells, present stratum pressure parameters, etc.

6.1.2 To provide to Party B the well field conditions satisfying the working requirement and assist Party B in dealing with the local relationship during the works.

6.1.3 To check and monitor the works of Party B.

6.1.4 In case finding that the works of Party B don’t conform to the original planning, Party A shall organize to analyze the situation and work out the corrective measures.

6.1.5 In case altering the planning during the construction of Party B, Party A shall immediately inform the Party B and Party B shall make alteration or adjustment according to the requirement of Party A.

6.1.6 To provide pollution discharge area for Party B, supervise the Party B in respect of any situations which may result in contaminations in accordance with the environmental rules and require Party B to stop the works for correction in case Party B fails to comply with the project standard and environmental requirements.

6.1.7 To supervise and inspect for acceptance the project quality of Party B.

6.1.8 The crude oil explored during the project period shall belong to Party A, and which Party B has no rights to dispose of without authorization.

6.1.9 To handle the procedures for settlement of payment as scheduled in the Contract.

6.1.10 To obtain for Party B the labors’ visa, the customs’ permission for entry and exit of equipment and materials and the export license for oil, gas and water samples.

6.2 Rights and Responsibilities of Party B

6.2.1 Party B shall complete and send to Party A for approval the Project Construction Design within 3 days receiving the construction notice from Party A.

6.2.2 To strictly carry out the project construction in accordance with the Project Construction Design approved by Party A and relevant quality standards and ensure the project quality.

6.2.3 To immediately inform Party A of any situation incompliant with the original planning and deal with it together to minimize the loss.

6.2.4 To implement the revision of planning offered by Party A within the scope technically allowable.

6.2.5 To protect the oil layer and surrounding environment of well field and strictly carry out the laws of Mongolia on environmental protection and the QHSE management system.

6.2.6 To keep in good condition the well field and roads, drive on the roads and lines specified by Party A during the project construction, and undertake all the compensations for damages with respect to the road, bridge and meadow destroyed due to its sole responsibility.

6.2.7 In respect of the equipment and materials required for the construction, Party B may prepare at its discretion those, on which Party A has no special requirement, in compliance with the standards, and shall purchase those, on which Party A has special requirement, within the ranges and at the prices acknowledged by Party A.

6.2.8 In respect of the special equipment used under special circumstances, such as the devices withstanding high temperature and high pressure or the equipment Party B does not own, and Party B may need to rent from a third party, Party B shall negotiate with Party A on choosing the third party and determining the lease price in order to ensure the project quality and minimize the cost.

6.2.9 During the project construction, if one well is restrained or prevented from continuous work and has to be paused due to the objective reasons, such as the limitation of the present equipment and technology or the severe deformation or displacement of strings, Party B shall submit to Party A the written notice for approval prior to the stoppage. The stoppage report shall be submitted to Party A for keeping as a record within 3 days the stoppage is executed.

6.2.10 Party B shall use the well control fluid in accordance with the brands and amount specified by Party A, or it has to undertake the responsibilities and costs arising from the underground or overground contaminations due to its unconformity to the operational rules.

6.2.11 Party B shall have no right to, without authorization, dispose of the oil pipes in the original wells or the objects refloated from the wells which belong to Party A formerly, and shall immediately inform Part A to take them back.

6.2.12 During the project construction, Party B shall organize the works in strict compliance with the operational rules and relevant regulations and ensure the safety of well field, equipment and personnel.

6.2.13 Party B shall compensate for any damages solely caused it to the well opening, overground facilities and pipelines of Party A.

6.2.14 Party B shall handle the procedures for settlement of payment in accordance with the Contract and has the right to require Party A to make the payment as scheduled.

6.2.15 Party B shall have its designated personnel send the oil, gas and water samples to the laboratory of Shengli Oil Administration.

6.2.16 During the project construction, Party B shall provide the accommodation and offices for at most two persons of Party A.

6.2.17 Party B shall provide all the materials, facilities and tools. The oil pipes shall, at the Party A’s cost, be purchased by Party B entrusted by Party A and be the properties of Party A.







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