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专业翻译机构--丽都翻译公司-因为专业 所以卓越   2010-11-07 11:09:24 作者:丽都国际 来源: 文字大小:[][][]

8.5  改进

8.5.1  引言


8.5.2  适用范围


8.5.3  职责

a)         管理体系的改进由最高管理者负责;

b)         产品、服务的改进由技检部负责;

c)         有关部门负责组织、执行相应改进计划。

8.5.4  引用文件


8.5.5  持续改进的策划  通过质量方针的确立和贯彻,营造激励改进的氛围和环境。  通过数据分析、质量体系审核、管理评审、纠正和预防措施等不断寻求改进的机会,并作出适当的改进活动安排:

  a) 战略性改进项目由总经理主持策划,通过对现有过程的再设计进行安排;

b) 一般体系改进活动由管代组织安排;产品、服务质量由技检部组织实施;

c) 各单位、各岗位工作人员应积极开展本职范围的质量改进活动;  实施纠正和预防措施及其它适用的措施,实现改进目标。

8.5.6  纠正措施          纠正措施是消除不合格原因,防止不合格再发生,使质量管理体系不断完善和促进持续改进的重要活动。            纠正措施的分级(类)

   按不合格的严重程度和类别,对其安全性、可靠性,以及所承受的风险程度、经济损失大小和类别,分重大、一般、轻微(批量出现)不符合项和顾客意见分级(类)管理。  纠正措施的过程

   a) 评审与产品、过程和质量管理体系有关的不合格,特别应注意顾客投诉和抱怨;

   b) 通过调查分析确定不合格的原因;

   c) 评价出现不合格对质量影响的重要程度及防止再发生所需的措施;

   d) 研究、确定防止不合格再发生的措施并实施之;

   e) 跟踪并记录纠正措施的结果,评审其有效性;

   f) 评审所采取的纠正措施,特别注重对其有效性的评审。

8.5.7  预防措施  识别预防措施,以消除潜在不合格的原因,防止不合格发生,采取的预防措施应与潜在问题的影响程度相适应。  预防措施的过程

   a) 利用适当的信息来源如影响产品质量的过程和作业、让步或审核结果、服务报告和顾客意见,识别潜在不合格及其原因。

   b) 研究确定预防措施并落实实施。

   c) 跟踪并记录实施效果。

   d) 评价预防措施的有效性,并作出永久更改或进一步采取措施的决定。  在权衡风险、利益和成本的基础上,确定采取适当的预防措施。

8.5 Improvements

8.5.1 Introduction

   In order to improve the traits of products and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of processes, the company is seeking for the opportunities to continuously improve the quality management system and processes by adopting the effective corrective and preventive measures to accomplish the successful and continuous improvements so as to promote the performances of the company and benefit the customers.

8.5.2 Scope of Application

   It applies to the product and quality management system.

8.5.3 Responsibilities

d)         The managers with highest authorities shall be responsible for the improvement of management system;

e)         The Technical Inspection Department shall be responsible for the improvements of product and services; and

f)           Other relevant departments shall be responsible for the organization and implementation of the corresponding improvement plans.

8.5.4 Documents in Reference

   Q/HXB.B05-2002 Correction and Preventive Measures Procedures

8.5.5 Planning for Continuous Improvements Through the establishment and practice of quality guidelines, create the atmosphere and environment for improvement and motivation. Through data analysis, quality system review, management appraisal, and the corrective and preventive measures, incessantly seek for the opportunities of improvements and make the proper arrangements. 

  a) The General Manager shall plan for the strategic improvement project and make the corresponding arrangements through the redesign of the current processes.

b) The authorized management representative shall be responsible for the general improvement activities. The Technical Inspection Department shall be responsible for the implementation of the product and services quality.

c) All the units and staff shall proactively carry out the quality improvement activities within their own authorities. Implement the corrective and preventive measures and other proper policies so as to achieve the improvement goals.

8.5.6 Corrective Measures measures refer to the important activities to eliminate the causes for the reject, and prevent the occurrence of rejects with an aim to continuously improve the quality management system.            Classification (Categories ) of Corrective Measures

  In accordance with the disqualification degree and classification, the security, reliability, the undertaken risks, the degree and categories of economic losses (the severe, general and minor (rejects only in certain batches), and the customers’ feedback shall be counted and managed. Process of Corrective Measures

   a) Review the disqualification regarding the products, processes and quality management system, specially the customers’ complaints.

   b) Identify the causes for the disqualification through investigation and analysis.

   c) Evaluate the influential degree of rejects on the quality and the measures needed for the prevention of their reoccurrence.

   d) Study, determine and implement the measures to prevent the occurrence of rejects.

   e) Follow-up and record the results of corrective measures while reviewing its effectiveness.

   f) Evaluate the adopted corrective measures, especially the evaluation of its effectiveness.

8.5.7 Preventive Measures Identify the preventive measures to eliminate the potential causes for rejects so as to prevent their occurrence.  The adopted preventive measures shall be accorded with the influential degree of the potential problems. Process of Preventive Measures

   a) Use the proper sources of information, such as the procedures and operation influencing the product quality, the concessions or the services report and the customers’ suggestions to identify the potential disqualifications and the relevant causes. 

   b) Study, determine and implement the preventive measures.

   c) Follow-up and record the implementing results.

   d) Evaluate the effectiveness of the preventive measures and make the decisions of permanent alteration or other further measures. Determine the preventive measures to be adopted on the basis of weighing the risk, benefits and cost.



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