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专业翻译机构--丽都翻译公司-因为专业 所以卓越   2010-12-21 15:36:10 作者:丽都国际 来源:丽都国际 文字大小:[][][]


此供电系统分别有2台变压器并联供电,正常运行时补偿器接在2#变压器下端,1#2#变压器之间母联断开运行。1#变压器下有一套SVC运行。我们生产的补偿器两台控制器检测信号分别接两台变压器的信号。系统正常运行时补偿器由2#控制器控制。当2# 变压器检修时,系统合上母联开关,同时断开2#变压器,此时由1#控制器控制补偿器。

1CK开关可以选择PLC的运行状态,当开关接通PLCI1.7)点时,补偿器由1#控制器控制投切。接通PLCI2.0)点时,补偿器由2#控制器控制投切。当I1.5I1.6I1.7I2.04个点都不通时由PLC检测(I2.1I2.2I2.3)这3个点的状态自动选择控制状态。I2.1为母联状态,I2.21# 变压器接触器状态,I2.32# 变压器接触器状态。


Instructions for System Operating Mode:

The power supply system consists of two transformers in parallel connection. Under normal operation, the compensator is connected to the lower part of the transformer 2# and the bus between the transformers 1# and 2# is disconnected. A set of SVC is running below the transformer 1#. The detection signals of the two controllers of our compensator are connected to the signals of the two transformers. When the system runs normally, the compensator is controlled by the controller 2#. For overhaul of the transformer 2#, turn on the switch of bus connection and meanwhile disconnect the transformer 2#, and then the transformer 1# is controlled by the compensator.

The operating state of PLC is optional by 1CK switch. When the switch turns on PLC (I1.7), the switching of compensator is controlled by the controller 1#. When the PLC (I2.0) is turned on, the switching of compensator is controlled by the controller 2#. If none of I1.5, I1.6, I1.7 and I2.0, is turned on, PLC examines the three points (I2.1, I2.2 and I2.3) for automatic selection of control state. I2.1 is the state of bus connection, I2.2 is the state of contactor of transformer 1# and I2.3 is the state of contactor of transformer 2#.




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