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专业翻译机构--丽都翻译公司-因为专业 所以卓越   2010-12-30 14:14:06 作者:丽都国际 来源:丽都国际 文字大小:[][][]

The BUS systems, intended for new large installations, are made using a twisted pair, which connects the command and control devices to the actuators. The control devices are installed inside appropriate wall boxes. The actuators are installed inside the electric distribution board, junction boxes, or in direct proximity of the load. Only the BUS is connected to the control devices, while both the BUS and the power cable for the load managed, are connected to the actuators. The association between control and actuator is ensured by the configuration: the configuration allocates a unique address to the control device and the actuator in communication with each other. The BUS system is therefore very versatile: with a simple change in the configuration it is possible to change the association between the control device and the actuator. It is also very safe, power supply does not reach the control boxes. arteor INtroDUCtIoN

The design parameters are different from those of a traditional system. An electric distribution board must be installed, containing enough DIN modules for the installation of the system and its future expansion, as well as for dispersing the generated heat. The system shall therefore be installed with ducts, cables and distribution board, while the control devices shall be configured at the factory, and only taken on site once all work has been completed, preventing them from becoming dirty or being stolen. The versatility of the BUS system means that with just a few operations, it is possible to change the control points to meet the needs of the customer even after the system has been completely installed, and without the need for opening junction boxes or installing further cables.







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