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Research on Study Strategies for the English Cyber Words
专业翻译机构--丽都翻译公司-因为专业 所以卓越   2013-11-07 15:29:29 作者:余雨涵 西华师范大学外国语学院 来源:科技信息 2012年26期 文字大小:[][][]
 Nowadays,English has been one of the most important languages.Our country’s globalization and urbanization has been developing much faster.However,in order to make our country stronger,English serves as a great channel to communicate.So the importance of learning English deserves great attention.Like other languages,English includes phonology,grammar and vocabulary.As we know,the basic way of learning it is to widen our vocabulary.It is often said that without grammar,we can express a little,without vocabulary,we can express nothing at all.
 However,the development of vocabulary is influenced by many social factors.At the same time,this development also mirrors the changing society.With society’s development,new words sprout out,which helps people’s communication,as well as makes our language colorful.In 21st century,the age of Internet has come,and Internet is an important cause to push the development of economy and society.At the same time,our civilization is much more advanced.Internet has reached every corner of the world,becoming one part of our life,people use it to buy things,search information,send E-mail,write things,and express themselves on BBS.No matter what they are doing,the new words are sprouted out.
 Internet language is a symbol for us to communicate,which benefit our daily life a lot.These words enrich the old vocabulary,supply much more new conceptions to people,and make up the demerits the old vocabulary.In that way,Internet language plays an important role of the communication.It opens up the structure of language and influence the life people.Therefore,the necessity of learning these words becomes self-evident.By learning these words,English learners can know much more about English culture,its development and so on.But how can learners learn these words more efficiently?And how these words are applied to our daily life?
 This paper,first of all,it talks about the definition of English cyber word,followed by an introduction of the properties of English cyber word,later the paper employs the new strategies for studying the English cyber words by looking at its characteristics and its word formation,the compounding approach,the derivation approach,using special mark approach,special mnemonics approach,transliteration approach and free translation approach are my classification of the strategies.To sum up,by analyzing the traits of these words,our interest of learning English will be aroused which can help us have a good knowledge of the English cyber words.
 2.The Definition of English Cyber Words
 Cyber language means all the languages related to internet technology.It can be divided into three categories.“The first one is uniform terminology related to network,such as,web,chat room,e-business and so on.The second one is symbols and words which are using in chat room by people,such as,cybercafé,e-service,online and so on.The last one is special words or word groups related to Internet or words appearing with the development of Internet,such as,cyber-pal,cyber-book,surf the Internet and so on.In my paper I will study these three categories”(韩有韬,温东辉,2009:216).
 3.The Properties of English Cyber Words
 With the rapid development of technology,and Internet becoming so popular in our society,cyber language influenced our life more than before.Contrast to the standard of the common English and the arbitrariness of the life English,cyber English is embodied in its description of new things in the Internet,its uses of connotation and metaphor,and its innovativeness
 and convenience.
 3.1 To describe new things
 As time goes by,Internet users are becoming more and more.Many new things are emerged in an endless stream.Therefore,English cyber words often describe these new things.For example,“E-mail” means a way of sending message in a network.By using it,people can send message very quickly and it also can save more money and time for people.“Blog” means a place where people can write things in the Internet.People who have a blog can write their own feelings,such as,happiness,sorrow,disappointment and others.With it,they will feel very relaxed,because they can say whatever they want to say,do whatever they want to do without any apprehension.“QQ”is a kind of tool on the Internet.People use it to communicate with others.They can talk about family,working,study and many other things even though they don’t know each other at all.The most important thing for people by using QQ is to make a lot of friends.“BBS”is the abbreviation of Bulletin Board System.It can be also called Public Access Message System.It is the e-formed bulletin where users could send messages through it or receive messages from others,even can send messages to a specific person or a group of people.It is widely used to spread information and when people seek advice from BBS,it can be send faster than a mail or public postal system.“Cyber shopping” means a place of shopping on the Internet where people can buy things at extremely low price.Nowadays,it is a very popular way for people to buy things,especially for young people.They have much more choices to choose the best one.Cyber shopping is so popular just owing to its efficiency and beautiful catalogs.There are also many words like the above words in the network.Just as we know,our society is rapidly developed.On the Internet,many new things are appearing in our life.So learning this characteristic is much useful for us to master the English cyber words.
 3.2 To use connotation
 In order to meet the needs of the community,people use various means to create new words.Using connotation is one of the means.In cyber language,there exist a lot of words that using connotation.“Connotation means giving new meaning to old words and widens their meanings”(何一平,2009:87).New meanings derive from adding new senses to the old ones,or combining with another word to become a new compound,even due to the new environment by shifting the word class,adding new sense to it.The meanings of some compounds are also the specification of the meaning of their affixes and the words themselves.For example,“Throughput”,it means the amount of work dealt with things in a given time by a computer.Its original meaning is production.“Unpack”,in the Internet,it means to change information into a form which can be understood easily.In common English,it means to remove something from a package.“Eyeball” means a part of the body,a round ball in the eyes.Now it means the number of people who surf Internet everyday or a week or a month in cyber English.The original meaning of“shooting”is to fire something from a weapon.In cyber English language,it means chatting.“Time bomb” means a kind of weapon which has time limited.Now it means the waiting for a special time or something that the computer system can activate in the network.“Display”,it means to show or perform something.In cyber language,it means the screen that shows information.These words are consisting of a small part of this type of English cyber words.There exist much more in this type of words in the network.So we should continue to learn these words.
 Research on Study Strategies for the English Cyber Words
 [Abstract]As we know,vocabulary plays an important role for English learners.With the coming of the age of Internet in 21st century,Internet becomes the propeller to the development of society and economy,which,in turn,urshes us into a brand-new period.Meanwhile,the development of Internet also affects English vocabulary.First of all,this paper summarizes the development stages of English cyber word,followed by an introduction of the definition of the English cyber word,and then it elaborates the properties of English cyber word.Later,the paper attempts to account for the strategies of English cyber word from six approaches,which are the compounding approach,the derivation approach,using special mark approach,special mnemonics approach,transliteration approach and free translation approach.To sum up,by analyzing the traits of these words,our interest of learning English will be roused which can help us have a good knowledge of the English cyber words.
 [Key words]English cyber word new vocabulary strategy property word formation
The main feature of the Internet communication is convenient and efficient.It does not only ask people who communicate in the Internet to convey information accurately,but also requires people to find out the information quickly they need.The Internet communication offers a very convenient way for people who surf the internet all the time or engaged in e-commerce activities for the purpose of saving much time to express their ideas.Therefore,English cyber words show a quite casual and free style.They are more in quantity and faster in time of changing to another sense.In language,these words are especially single,humorous and casual.So learning these words is quite funny and easy.Due to these factors,students are more eager to learn and improve their learning skills,then practice in life.After learning it,students can use it more times in the Internet in order to make a deep impression in their mind.
 Table 1 Cyber words and their counterparts Cyber word
 HRU Gottoago BF {{{333}}}
 X=$-)Meaning How are you?
 got to go Boy friend Hugs and kisses Willing to succeed
 avarice Cyber word
 WB LOL YHL MSG DIY PM Meaning Welcome back Laughing Loud You have lost Message Do it yourself Private message Plenty of cyber English words adapt themselves to the rapid development of network technology.At the same time,it saves much communication time and cyberspace.The convenient way of English word makes communication faster and closer.
 3.4 To innovative new words
 The most important characteristic of English cyber words is their revolutionary innovation.Network is a world which can encourage people to develop their personality and to make innovations.It offers people more free space to use their imagination and creativeness.Just because this space is lack of control,people can talk more freely.Compared with the common English words,English cyber words offer enough space for people to imagine.For example,“acronyms,words using numbering instead of letters,words using punctuations to express feelings”(刘爱平,2004:78).All of these make English cyber words special and unique.Such as,“Cookies”is a kind of cake,but in the network,it means a file that record personal information;“WEB”,the original meaning is spider’s web.Now it means the network.Its compounding has webmaster,website,webzine and so on.“Menu”means a piece of paper by which people can order food at a restaurant.But now it means the choices that are shown on the computer screen.“Window”is the meaning of a piece of glass by which people can look into the house,in computer language,it means a computer screen;“Memory” means to remember what you have learned or experienced.On the Internet,it means a place where can restore information;“Hacker”,is the meaning of a person who cut things without purposes,its transferred meaning is a person who entered private computer system without permission;“Bugs” means an insect in common English,but in cyber language,it means a breakdown of machinery;“Host”is the meaning of an owner or landlord,its transferred meaning is a mainframe.The Internet world is still developed,English cyber words are also continue to develop,a more mysterious and curious world is waiting for us to practice and explore.
 3.5 To use metaphor
 “Metaphor is the most important figure of speech and thought.It is the foundation of the abstract thought.It often used to compare two different things in order to identify their meanings”(王玉龙,张德玉,张煜,2007:8).Every style of art indicates metaphor.So does the English cyber words.“Internet users create their own English cyber words which manifested the metaphor.It is using the figurative meaning of the vocabulary,stimulating reader’s association and imagination,highlighting the similar points of the old and new things,giving the old words with new meanings”(袁瑞娇,2008:208).So that people can create some words which have a vivid description of new things.Network includes many professional English vocabulary and computer network technology vocabulary.To a certain extent,these words belong to the science and technology language,therefore,cyber English has the characteristics of metaphor.In the process of the network and computer technology,people created new words or concepts by the means of metaphor.Common words often change their old meaning by using metaphor.Such as,“Computer virus”,the virus means a kind of disease which can make people death,but in the field of computer,it means a kind of program which can breakdown the computer system.Thus it can be seen that from the functions of the metaphor,the abstract concepts become concrete,the complex meanings become simplified,and the scientific terms become popular.Therefore,cyber English words are much closed to people’s daily life.In a large part,it encouraged the popularity of the network and computer technology.
 As the network become so popular,the cyber English is becoming more and more important,by learning the properties of the cyber English,it is easy for us to understand and using the Internet.
 4.The Strategies of Learning English Cyber Word
 Internet words are easy to make and much more nimble,which can make the new things and ideas constant.If a new thing or idea appeared,people will invent new words to name it,surely,our lexicon will be widened even inimitably.The burden of memorizing them will increase and it can even cause the inconsistency of language.Just as it said that“a new idea is based to the transformation of the old one”(Cook,Vivian,2000:114).New symbols are just deriving from the existing materials;it can not escape the control of them.Cyber words are just invented by derivation,class shift,abbreviation blending and borrowing,based on the old words,so as to cater to the need of our fast development.
 4.1 The compounding approach
 English cyber words may use a lot of compounds.“Compounding is a word formation process combing two or more words together”(张韵斐,2004:35).In cyber language,most of these words are terms which are related to the Internet.Compounds mainly consist of noun compounds and adjective compounds such as“keypal” and“online”.As for the compounds,I think we should guess the meaning of this word at first.Generally,the meanings of most compounds are combined with these two words’meaning.For example,“Baseline” as we know that the meaning of“base”is fundamental and the meaning of“line”is string.So we can put them together:the basic string,when we put it in the Internet,its meaning is basic line.We guess its meaning and find that it is right.In that way,we can remember and understand these words very easily.We still have not known its specific meaning which is cyber English words’another characteristic,but its meaning is easy to understand such as“Database”(a collection of data that is stored in computer system),“Website”(a place in the Internet),“Firewall”(the wall which can prevent fire),“Computer-controlled”(something that controlled by computer),“Download”(to move something from the computer system),“Software”(the set of systems which is stored in computer),“Hardware”(the set of systems which can make up a computer),and so on.
 As for the compounds,the first word in the compound receives the main stress,but it is generally the second word that determines the compound’s new word class.So the best way to memorize these words is to put the two words meaning together and guess its meaning.It needs us to summarize this kind of words to enlarge our vocabulary and improve our ability.
 4.2 The derivation approach
 Table 2 New words by the addition of prefix“e-”Prefix
 A way of sending messages between people
 A kind of book in the network that people can read books in
 A purse for keeping money in the network
 Magazines in the network
 The economy in the Internet In cyber words,there are lots of derivations.“Derivation is a word formation process combing the prefix,or the suffix”(张韵斐,2004:42).For example,“e-”,it means electronic.So if the words are related to“e-”,it always has the meaning of electronic.
 “Inter-”is the meaning of connect with each other.This prefix makes many cyber English words.
 Table 3 New words by the addition of prefix“Inter-”Prefix
 Interface Meaning
 Someone don’t know anything about Internet
 The message passed constantly between computer and people
 The way a computer program offering information to people
The word beginning with“cyber-”(connected with network).It often combines form in nouns and adjectives.
 Table 4 New words by the addition of prefix“cyber-”Prefix
 Communicating with others in Internet
 The Internet users
 The imaginary place in the computer The word beginning with“micro-”,as we know that the meaning of “micro”is on a small scale.So words have this affix often have the meaning of small.
 So by learning these prefixes,we can memorize the cyber English vocabulary well.If we know the meaning of the prefix,we can understand the word may have some relationship with it.It helps us to learn this kind of vocabulary easily.There are many similar affixes such as the affix of“tele-”(long distance),words beginning with“tele-” often have the meaning of a long distance.
 Table 5 New words by the addition of prefix“tele-”Prefix
 A kind of conference which people communicate with others by using computer A kind of service which offering people information by using television
 A person who work at home or other places,communicating with other people by computer Cyber English words include a lot of suffixes,such as “-eer”,“-ible”,“-ise”,“-naut”,and so on.They can become“Hacker”,“Converter”(format conversion software),“Digiteer”(people who are very good at computer),“Compatible”(computers be able to be used together)and so on.
 As for the derivation,generally,derivational words consist of at least a free morpheme and a prefix.Free morpheme often is a simple word.So just learn the meaning of the affix,we can guess the whole word’s affixes again and again.This approach can help us to remember many English cyber words.
 4.3 Using special mark method
 Table 6 New words by using special mark Special mark
 make me sick
 screaming Special mark
 : ;)
 :-e Meaning
 Wear glasses
 Disappointed In English cyber words,they sometimes use symbols and images instead of language.It just expresses the feelings of people and enriches the content in use of symbols and images on the keyboard.We can not use expression and body language to express people’s feelings when we communicate with each other in the Internet.So we can put some number,symbols,and images on the keyboard together to create some new symbols to express people’s facial expressions.Some people create a series of specific cyber symbols through the different combinations.They express human’s rich content of language vividly.Using cyber symbols can input things easily and quickly.
 Symbol language can express the meaning vividly and ironically which can offset the authenticity of communication in the Internet.However,these kinds of symbol language belong to the humorous language.Young people often use them,but we never use them in writing formal letters.
 Because these symbols and images are vivid,they have not special way to remember,the only to memorize them is to use them frequently,especially when you chat with someone on the Internet.By using them,this can not only remember them easily,but also can make the communication very lively and relaxing so that people can easily to be friends.
 4.4 Special mnemonics
 4.4.1 Neology in web words
 Some web words choose from old words but give them new meanings.Neology means“insert new meanings to the old words and then they become new words to express new meanings and new things”.For example:“Noodle”is a kind of food,but in the sentence“He knows nothing about computer,so he noodled at the keys”,it means mishandle on keyboard.Another example,“Spam” means a kind of food,but it means useless emails on internet.“Bus”is a kind of transportation vehicle in our daily life,but in internet it means data are transferred from this part of the computer to another part by wire.
 4.4.2 Extension of the meaning in internet
 Some web words remain the same senses in the internet but there meaning is different.For example:“Delay”means to postpone in both internet and our daily life,but on Internet,it means the time spent from the center to the receiver and the time that a data packet from head to destination.Another example:“Queue” means in line,but on internet it means the rank of the elements which waiting to be deal with.“Header” means masthead of a newspaper but it means control messages before the encapsulation of the data.“Hop” means jump but on internet it means the path of a data packet between two nodes of the network.“Convergence” means retrain oneself but on internet it means the speed and capacity of the agreement to the change of the topology structure.“Layering”,“Delimitation”,means separation method of the network function that used by OSI reference model.It simplified the task that the computer needs to achieve.Packet,data packet,includes control message and user’s data and always means the data unit in network layer.These terms such as data packet,frame,message and segment are the logical message packet that used to describe the different layer and technical specification of the OSI reference model.These words need our conscious memory and more accumulation and understanding.
 4.4.3 To use rhetoric
 “Word formation in some English cyber words are adopted by means of rhetoric,this method can make these words more vividly and full of emotional colors”(Stewart,Doug&Turgeon,Gregoire,2000:57).Such as“Worm”it means using Internet to attack some computer systems,it entered computer systems without permission.It is much likes the virus but it was named for the worms,because it doesn’t cause destroy on purpose,so“worm”shows the characteristic of a series of components in different network.The most important function is to shield the internal information,structure and operation to protest the security of the Internet.In real life,this term refers to the high thick wall between two houses which can present the spread of the fire.This word in the network is using the parable.So students who know the rhetoric will help then understand the meaning of the word very well.
 It is difficult to learn these words,because when using a word with a new meaning,the original meaning often appears in our minds.But it exactly offers us a good way to learn English cyber words.First,we should know the original meaning of the word,then imaging the new meaning which is associated with the Internet.So we can remember these English cyber words easily.
 4.5 Transliteration
 “Such word is absorbed from the other national languages,the word formation is mainly to translate some Chinese words which in the same or similar pronunciation of the English words from transliteration”(高帆,2004:552).Transliterations are greatly enriched the emergence of the network language.Internet users often use the similar sounds of Chinese words to express the meaning of the foreign words,especially some words which have the different meaning.The meaning is often covered with humor.For example,“粉丝”is the transliteration of the“fans”,it refers to the worship of something very strongly.;“兔爸”is the transliteration of the“tool bar”(a kind of function in Internet);“秀”is the transliteration of the“show”;“博客”is the transliteration of the“blogger”,the full name of“blog”is“weblog”,it means journal in the Internet.It is shortened to be“blog”and so on.These words are translated by their pronunciations.Some netizens created lots of new web words such as“cool”,“dweep”,“whack”and so on in order to seek new and variety things.At present,these words are not only appeared in the network,but even in the newspapers,magazines,and the dialogue among young people.
 These words are translated by their pronunciations.So if you want to understand these words,you should first know their pronunciations.As they are very witty and humorous,we can put some words together to make a interesting sentence so that we can remember all the words in the sentence.By using this method,it offers us a convenient way to memorize English cyber words.
 4.6 Free translation
 “When the original meaning of the word is quite different from the ex-
 tended meaning of the word or the literal meaning of the word is not clear,it is time to use the free translation”(林立,2001:15).It means that translation is often considerate it’s referential without taking account into their original meaning in English.In the field of computer and Internet,“Explorer”refers to a kind of file search,not related to“explorer” or“detector”;it translated as “the browser”.This translation is pointed out its function properly.“CD”literally translated as“compact disc”,but the meaning is not clear,because there are lots kinds of“compact disc”.CD is specific to use the laser as a medium of compact disk to read data.So it translated as“disc”is the best translation.The last example,“Flash” literally translated as“something speed very fast”,now it means“the people who make animation by the software named flash” and so on.These words are only appeared in recent years,but it is much easier to accept by people.
 Such kind of words often related to the software on the internet and they always appeared in the desktop.So we should pay attention to them when we use them.After several times,we can surely remember these words.It is a efficient way for us to learn English cyber words.
 After learning the word formation of English cyber words,it will do good to our English learning.If we know the word formation of a word,we can know the roots,and sources of the words.Therefore,we can memorize these words easily.Due to the reasons mentioned above,we can analyze every new word,telling their formation,the process of their meaning and forming.So it is one of the efficient ways to improve our English.
 We all know that word formation is a good and effective way to remember words.And it is also an effective way to enlarge vocabulary.We can remember new web words by learning about their form features,but we can not forget the fundamental way to learn words--repetition.We can learn words better by the repetition of remember,study and review.We also need use them frequently.We often meet them on the internet and use frequently in email and blog.
 The internet vocabulary owes its unusual originality and broad influence to the inestimable creativity of netizens.The recent years bear witness to the enlargement of the internet vocabulary with 500 words added to its reservoir every year,along with the increasing number of netizens,the emerging of new things and the continuing development of science and technology.The Oxford dictionary once intended to record every one of the newly-made words,but nothing came out of this effort because it couldn't possibly keep up with the speed by which these new words keep coming out.If you go to Google and type in"Internet terms dictionary",as many as 242000 results will show up,every one of which lead to thousands of entries.Not only,do these new words travel around the visual world at an incredible speed,they are even able to extend their presence into our daily life.In America,many people start to use words like BTW in their everyday life.Some kids habitually regard 101 as the mark which is used in the internet as laughing out loud.The internet vocabulary is the product of social progress and language development.Not only does it expand the traditional English vocabulary and enrich the meanings of English words,it also brings in many new concepts,broadens our knowledge structure and vision and affects our lives.Therefore,to analyze study and master the rules guiding the word-formation of the internet vocabulary will enable us to better employ internet English,to adjust language structure,and to enrich the usage of words to finish practical social activities during Internet communication.
 In conclusion,by learning the strategies of English cyber word through the introduction of morphology,it can arouse our learning interests after the understanding of cyber English words’characteristics.
 As these new words are not contrast,they update constantly.So we should learn them continuously.At the same time,we should have right attitude towards these new words.We must take the essence and discard the dregs.
 We always say that interests must be the first.Only if we are interested in learning something,can we have the motive power to learn it.Moreover,we often use cyber English words on the Internet.So it is necessary to learn some cyber English words,since learning vocabulary is very important.Sometimes we want to express something,but we don’t know which word can be used,because our quantity of vocabulary is not enough.Yet,some people compared learning language to building houses.They compared vocabulary to bricks and grammar to frame.If we have no bricks or no frame,how can we build a house?So we should accumulate more vocabulary in order to further our study.This paper only made some rough analysis of English cyber word.With the limited ability of the author,this paper may have some shortcomings and may lack of adequate proofs.We are looking forward the further research.
 [1]Cook,Vivian.Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000,p 113-117
 [2]Stewart,Doug.&Turgeon,Gregoire.About Language:A Reader for Writers[C].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000,p57-59

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